Steve and Angie

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, November 4, 2012

We have been having a group of about seven or eight neighborhood kids that come to our house almost as soon as their school is out . . . everyday.  It has been somewhat of a struggle for our family that, quite honestly, has a lot of work to accomplish, but wants to minister to our friends in need.  Yesterday, Hannah opened the door and was so very gracious with the kids.  She told them her siblings couldn't play but expressed interest in some aspect of their lives.  I was really pleased.  The thought occurred to me, and not that it was a new thought, just added to this idea, but she would already run a home marvelously!  I'm so grateful to have my girls maturing and showing responsibility. 

It occurred to me the other day that it is almost the end of the year, and I can't remember what my goals for this year have been.  Oops!  I looked them up.

1. Memorize chapters 3-5 of Ephesians.
Okay, I feel like I have a fairly good excuse for failure on this.  :)  Once we hit the Bible Bee this summer, all other memorization work ceased.  I didn't even think about starting it back up. 

2. Take pictures with my friends. In 2010 I lost two friends, and I realized I didn't have any pictures of myself alone with either of them. I decided last year I would try to get pictures of myself with my friends, but I didn't get a single picture last year, so it's going down as an official goal this year.
Ummm, I don't know why this is so hard!  I did get a pic with my college roomie when she was here this summer.

3. Start running again. The last day I ran was October 31st, so I'm sure it will be like starting all over again! :( I'd like to run a 5K in the 27-28 min range.
Hey, finally one I accomplished!  :)  I ran a 5K in June in 27 something.  I ran a few weeks ago, quite a bit more slowly, and I'm going to take a break for a few months. 

4. Start preschool with Joshua.
Josh is an official Kindergartner this year!

5. Do more individual discipleship with Nathan and Noah.
We are doing an inductive study on Genesis 3-5.

6. Do more personal Bible study - possibly make a study book for the kids on the book of Ephesians.
I'm still struggling in this area. 

Well, I just got a call that we are watching a few kids for the night.  Always on call around here!  :)  And there is a diaper that needs changed, and dishes washed.