Steve and Angie

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Year of Change


Most of these changes have involved time commitments, so things are even busier than usual around here.


1)      Steve took up running this year.  Not that he enjoys it (just wanted to clarify that), but he has been faithfully working out several times a week (often with a few of the kids).  He’s lost some weight and brought down his blood pressure.

2)      Hannah and Sarah entered high school and began taking video classes from A Beka Academy (via videos at home).  They are taking six solid (“hard” according to the girls) classes as well as completing hours for gym and fine arts credits.

3)      In October Steve started working for the Kokomo Rescue Mission for about 30 hours a week.


2012 Vacation
We had a wonderful time touring out West this summer.  After spending one night camping just north of Chicago and swimming in Lake Michigan, we headed for Minnesota to spend a couple days visiting our friends the Ensmingers.  Next, we headed to South Dakota where we saw the Badlands, Mount Rushmore and Jewel Cave.  Our next stop was Colorado where we camped at three different state parks.  Highlights included visiting and hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park, visiting Focus on the Family, seeing the US Air Force Academy, eating at Casa Bonita in Denver, camping near Pike’s Peak and spending an afternoon at the Royal Gorge.  On the way home we went up in the St. Louis Arch.
                Despite our usually hectic schedule, we are thanking God for His wonderful provision and blessing throughout this year.  We have been blessed with eight precious children, family members who don’t mind helping to bus our kids around, a loving church family, and all our needs are more than met.  We are honored that God chose us to raise a ninth child.  We know it isn't the politically correct thing to do, but we do believe our children are a gift from God.


The Year in Review



·         In January, Hannah, Sarah and Nathan competed in the National Geographic Geography Bee.

·         Sarah participated in our Homeschool Drama Camp in March.

·         Hannah and Sarah competed in the Word of Life Teens Involved talent competition. 



·         We started watching two little Bowers boys until the end of the school year (their daddy, Andrew, was Angie’s friend in high school).

·         Our family participated in a Couch to 5K running program led by Patty Weitzel.



·         Angie, Nathan, and Hannah ran the Trojan Trot 5K together.

·         Hannah and Esther competed in the Kokomo Kids Try-athlon.

·         Steve was the camp pastor for a week at Twin Lakes Camp - and the whole family got to tag along for some outdoor fun and awesome chapel messages.

·         Angie's Cedarville roomie, Jolyn, and family visited from New Hampshire.

·         The family vacationed out West

·         The oldest five kids participated in the National Bible Bee which included daily inductive study of 2 Timothy and memorizing 25 passages of Scripture



·         Hannah, Sarah and Esther played volleyball with the homeschool group.

·         Hannah and Sarah took part in a calcium study at Purdue.

·         Steve and Angie ran the Raptor Run 5K at the Creation Museum (along with Walt Januszkiewicz).

·         Nathan began his second year of basketball with the homeschool group.

·         Steve, Hannah, Nathan and Esther competed in a 5K on Thanksgiving morning at Highland Park.

·         We hosted missionaries Mark & Becky Sterken and learned of their ministry in the Caribbean.
Quotable Quotes
Hannah:  "Mom, when you are nine months           pregnant, will you weigh as much as daddy?"
Angie:  "What did you say that was funny this year?
Sarah: “I don't know . . . I said a lot of things! "
Nathan: I'm really excited about Christmas, but not for the presents.  I can't wait to get my coupons from mom for "choose a meal", "do a chore", and "make favorite snack."
Esther: "Hannah and Sarah, when you move out I get both of your blankets."
Hannah and Sarah  (at the same time):  "We are taking our blankets with us!"
Noah (about Mary):  "I don't know what she is saying, but I know it is funny." 
Joshua:  "When I was a baby, was daddy a daddy yet?"
Joshua  (on the road to Mt. Rushmore when he first saw the monument):  “That looks like South Dakota.”
Joshua (at Badlands):  “That’s the biggest mountain!  It is dad’s age.”
Joshua:  “I want to marry baby Mary someday.”
Angie:  “She is your sister.  You can’t marry your sister.”
Josh:  “Then I will marry Ruth.”
Angie:  “She is your sister too.  You can’t marry her.”
Josh:  “Then I’ll marry Esther.”
Angie (realizing this could go on a lot longer, just gives up!)
Ruth (while looking at Sarah's dedication picture - Hannah was 14 months):  "Look mom, you had two babies."
Kid Highlights

Hannah is only a few months away from turning 15 (and very much looking forward to that).  Some accomplishments from this year include:  running two 5K's, getting first place in her age category in the Try-athlon, receiving blue on her cake and shooting sports, reserve champion on her wheat bread and grand champion on her garden project and weather at the county fair as well as a merit award on her garden at the state fair.  She continues to play flute and piano and qualified for regionals at Teens Involved.
Sarah became a teenager this year and is playing the part well.  She continues to sing with the Kokomo Children's Choir and play piano and flute.  In 4-H she received the following:  blue on weather, shooting sports and her cake, honor on her tea ring and reading.  She placed first in the local National Geographic Bee and qualified for regional Teens Involved in her voice solo, flute, and piano.  She placed second in her division at the Bible Bee.  She received the best server award for her junior high volleyball team.
Nathan really got into running this year.  He isn't super-fast but he did beat the other family members who ran on Thanksgiving.  In 4-H he won red on electric, blue on woodworking, honor on his muffins, grand champion on garden, reserve champion on entomology, and blue on weather.  He continues to play the piano and is slowly learning the game of basketball.  He completed gold level in Olympians for the fourth year in a row.
Esther continues to have many interests and skills.  She received the MVP for her volleyball team this year, and we finally allowed her (after much asking) to run a 5K on Thanksgiving.  She finished second in the Try-athlon and completed gold level in Olympians.  She placed second in her level at the Bible Bee.  In 4-H she received blue in sewing, honor on cookies, honor in bike, blue in weather, blue in shooting sports, grand champion in crocheting, and blue in garden.  She continues to play the piano and just started learning to play the clarinet this year.  But according to Angie, Esther’s greatest skill is giving back rubs to mommy.
Noah is in 2nd grade and is as active as always.  He just started Upwards basketball—we are hoping he runs off some of his energy.  He is a smart little guy and especially enjoys doing multiplication like his older siblings.  He also completed gold level in Olympians and did a fantastic job learning his passages for the Bible Bee.
Joshua started school this year.  He would rather be playing, of course, but he is starting to
read.  He took his first swim lessons this year and seems to be a little fish like his sister Hannah.
Ruth is mommy's little helper.  She loves to help change diapers and cook with mommy. 
Although she didn't officially participate in the Bible Bee, she memorized a lot of Scripture.

Mary has really grown up this year.  She is starting to say a lot of words, and we have big plans to potty train her over Christmas break.
Abigail is due to arrive Feb. 28th, but daddy's birthday on March 4th is a real possibility.

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