Steve and Angie

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, June 30, 2014

Yet another health update

I've never been one that has been ashamed of my age.  I believe God has blessed me with each year, and I don't mind everyone knowing that I'm about to turn 40.  However, this last year has been quite a ride with my health.  Maybe that is what all the 40 jokes are about? :)

On our first morning in Florida (yes, the same day we learned that we had almost burned our pop-up down and burned up the bearings in one wheel), I had some abdominal pain for a few hours in the morning.  I had this same pain two other times over the previous month, and although it was quite uncomfortable and made me sick, it went away on its own both times.  After spending some time at the beach that morning, I noticed a rather large lump in my groin area while taking a shower.  So, off to the urgent care center I went.  The doctor quickly diagnosed me with a hernia and wanted to send me to a surgeon.  When he found out we were far from home, he gave me strict instructions to not lift or push and to see a surgeon when I got home.  Obviously the lifting was a big issues with my little Abigail that was attached to my hip most of the time.  I also do quite a bit of lifting while setting up and taking down the pop-up.  But I was pretty good, and I managed to avoid any emergency surgery (another warning from the urgent care doctor).  My kids were (as always) a very big help with both Abby and pop-up duties.

I called a few places today, and Dr. Abbasi was able to get me in on Thursday.  I appreciate your prayers for me and the family.  I called Hannah in to help me lift laundry into the washer today and she is getting a big kick out of teasing me for that.  It is a real change in my way of life to not do any heavy lifting. 

So there it is . . . I'm starting the year of the 40 with a bang! 

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