Steve and Angie

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, December 25, 2011

New Year (part 2)

I'm starting to think of some things I would like to accomplish or improve in the new year.

1. Memorize chapters 3-5 of Ephesians.

2. Take pictures with my friends. In 2010 I lost two friends, and I realized I didn't have any pictures of myself alone with either of them. I decided last year I would try to get pictures of myself with my friends, but I didn't get a single picture last year, so it's going down as an official goal this year.

3. Start running again. The last day I ran was October 31st, so I'm sure it will be like starting all over again! :( I'd like to run a 5K in the 27-28 min range.

4. Start preschool with Joshua.

5. Do more individual discipleship with Nathan and Noah.

6. Do more personal Bible study - possibly make a study book for the kids on the book of Ephesians.

New Year

Time to evaluate my goals from last year:
1. The family is reading through the New Testament together this year. Seems a bit whimpy after reading the whole Bible last year, but this way we can work on other things as well.
We did it. Steve also did a little Old Testament reading toward the end of the year. He is reading in the morning during breakfast now as well as at night, so we can get through a lot more in a day.

2. Memorize the book of Ephesians with the kids. I only got through about two or three verses before our Christmas break from school, but I really want to try to memorize two or three verses a week.
Failed! :( Things were okay until Mary came, then summer break, and my mono . . . We learned two chapters and were starting on the third when I got sick. This will have to be a repeat goal for next year.

3. Well, this will have to wait a few months, but I'm really determined to get in shape after the baby is born and run a 5K. I've wanted to do the Raptor Run at the Creation Museum for several years now, so maybe this will be the year!
Completed! I finally got to run the Raptor Run this year. I would love to do it again next year with my little sister (as long as she promises not to beat me)!

4. I have got to do a better job of grading Hannah and Sarah's books! I grade as I go with the three little ones, but I am way too far behind on the older girls' work!
Well, I'm doing really well keeping up with what needs to be recorded for a high school transcript. I can't say I do well grading other things, but I'm okay with what we are doing now.

5. I'm trying to think of how I can incorporate an exercise program into our day (PACL memories abound- for my Cedarville friends). I haven't really figured out how I will find time for it yet!
We did really well running in the spring and summer. I haven't done anything with the kids since fall hit though.